Unemployment insurance for furloughed Federal government workers?

Given how all the DC has benefited from the huge increase in Federal government spending, it would be nice to think that there is some cosmic payback. In any case, the bottom line is that these Federal workers are likely to be OK.

In the event of a government shutdown, some 800,000 federal employees who are furloughed without pay may collect unemployment insurance.
Government workers are covered under the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees Program, which is funded by the federal government, but administered by the states.
Generally, unemployment claims are filed in the place where you work, not where you live. The states are reimbursed by the federal government for the funds they pay out.
The Washington, DC, area would likely feel the brunt of a shutdown. The U.S. Department of Labor told Virginia that 171,000 workers in the state could be eligible. Maryland has 252,000 federal workers in the state.
Maryland and Virginia are preparing for a shutdown; their state labor departments plan to post information on their websites tomorrow, if there is a shutdown, with instructions for workers on how to file. . . .

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Unemployment insurance for furloughed Federal government workers?
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