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Partial Transcript
Trump: He doesn't have a birth certificate or he hasn't shown it. he has what's called a certificate of live birth and that's different f. you look at it, it's not even signed by anybody. doesn't have a serial number.
Reporter: the certificate of live birth does have a serial number and a stamped signature and hawaiian officials say it carries the weight of law. if one of your parents is an american citizen you could get a certificate of live birth in hawaii even if the child wasn't born there but this document states obama was born in honolulu and a hawaiian official say original records verify the president was born there. and there is a birth announcement nine days after president obama was born, information the paper says would have come from the hospital.
Trump: his grandmother in kenya said he was born in kenya.
Reporter: that's based on a recording of a 2008 interview with obama's elderly grandmother conducted through a translator. initially the translator said she was present for her grandson's birth.
Translator: Yes, they say that yes she was. She was present when President Obama was born.
Reporter: Listen and the answer changes. When the interviewer says that he wants to visit the hospital in Kenya where Obama was born he's repeatedly corrected saying Obama was born in America.
Interviewer: I thought that he was born in Kenya.
Relative: No. He was born in America. Not in Mombasa.
Stay away from the Nutty Birther Claims, Why Republicans should stay away from Trump