Multiple victim public shootings outside the US in Gun-Free Zones

Several Dead After Gunman Opens Fire at Dutch Shopping Mall April 09, 2011

ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN, Netherlands -- A gunman opened fire with a machine gun at a crowded shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least seven people dead and wounding 15 others, officials and witnesses said.
The attacker was among the dead after fatally shooting himself at the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Mayor Bas Eenhoorn said. The suburb is less than 15 miles southwest of Amsterdam.
Eenhoorn said that children were among the victims, but he could not confirm whether they were among the wounded or dead, or both.
"It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said.
The gunman's identity was known and it was "all but certain" he acted alone, District Attorney Kitty Nooy said, but investigators were not yet ready to release his name or age. She said he was a native Dutchman from Alphen who has a criminal record. . . .
Although rare, shootings and violence are not unknown in the Netherlands. In 1999, four students and a teacher were hurt in a school shooting and in 2004, a teacher was shot dead by a student.
There have also been two assassinations in the past decade, the 2002 killing of right wing politician Pim Fortuyn by an animal rights activist and the 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist.
In 2009, a loner drove his car into a group of bystanders during a royal parade, killing eight and wounding 10.
Gun permits are difficult to obtain, but illegal automatic weapons and ammunition are frequently seized during drug busts.
Two people were killed in Alphen in a drug-related shooting several weeks ago. Nooy said investigators do not believe the incidents are linked. She said investigators were trying to trace the gun or guns used in the attack. . . .

Twelve Dead After Gunman Opens Fire at Brazil Elementary School April 07, 2011

A gunman roamed the halls of an elementary school in Rio de Janeiro on Thursday and killed 12 children, lining them up against a wall and shooting them in the head at point-blank range as he shouted, "I'm going to kill you all!"
It was the worst school shooting in Brazil -- and would have been deadlier if the gunman had not been shot in the legs by a police officer, who said the man then fell down some stairs and shot himself in the head.
Images taken with a cell phone and posted on YouTube showed students fleeing wildly, screaming for help, many with their white and blue school shirts soaked in blood.
Rio de Janeiro state's Secretariat of Health and Civil Defense said in a statement on its website that at least 12 other students were injured, many by gunfire, and taken to hospitals. At least two were in grave condition. Officials earlier reported 18 injured. . . .

British submarine shooting 'sparked by shore leave dispute' April 09, 2011

BRITISH Defence officials are investigating the cause of a deadly gun rampage on a nuclear submarine, with reports suggesting the shooting may have been caused by a dispute over shore leave or the use of a toilet.
A British seaman shot dead an officer and seriously injured another with an automatic assault rifle in the control room of the HMS Astute, an advanced nuclear submarine, while civic dignitaries were visiting yesterday.
The Sun newspaper said the sailor, which it named as Ryan Donovan, may have snapped when desperate requests for shore leave were rejected by officers due to crew shortages. He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
The 22-year-old rap music fan had been back in the port of Southampton for just two days following a 46-day exercise in the Irish Sea, and was distressed when told he could not take the seven weeks of leave he was due and would instead spend another month at sea starting Monday. . . .

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Multiple victim public shootings outside the US in Gun-Free Zones
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