Michele Bachmann top fundraiser among Republican Presidential Contenders

I think that Bachmann is going to end up being a formidable candidate.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., raised a combined total of $2.2 million in the first quarter of 2011, outgaining presumed presidential contender Mitt Romney who raised $1.9 million over the same period.
Bachmann's political action committee, MichelePAC, raised $500,000 while her Congressional reelection fund took in $1.7 million. The funds raised for her Congressional reelection could be transferred to any federal campaign, including one for president.
Bachmann is a formidable fundraiser. The Washington Post recently ranked her the top fundraiser in the House during the 2009-2010 election cycle. This latest fundraising haul, coupled with her frequent visits to Iowa and New Hampshire, show she may be moving closer to a presidential run, and that she may have the financial backing to sustain a campaign. . . .

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Michele Bachmann top fundraiser among Republican Presidential Contenders
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