Well, it is good to see that even the California state Legislature recognizes the need of politicians to protect themselves.
Thanks to Tony Troglio for the link.
Assembly Chief Sergeant-at-Arms Ronald Pane has given four legislators permission to carry concealed weapons in the state Capitol, according to two senior Senate staff members who have been informed of the decision.
State law prohibits carrying loaded firearms and deadly weapons in public buildings, except under limited conditions. A 2010 bill by Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani, D-Livingston, tightened the law, requiring that most holders of concealed weapons permits or other gun licenses get permission from the sergeants-at-arms of the state Assembly or the state Senate in order to bring their gun in the Capitol or legislative office buildings. Peace officers are exempt from the restrictions. . . .
Thanks to Tony Troglio for the link.
Four California Legislators allowed to carry concealed handguns in State Capitol