Wyoming drops permit requirement for concealed carry

The AP keeps ignoring that Montana allows concealed carry without a permit in 99.4% of the state. There are a lot of pro-self-defense laws being passed by states this year. Anyway, here is the AP piece on Wyoming.

Wyoming on Wednesday became the fourth state to allow citizens to carry concealed guns without a permit, with Gov. Matt Mead signing a bill into law as several other states considered similar action.
The law allows state citizens legally entitled to own guns to carry them concealed starting in July. The guns still wouldn’t be allowed in schools, bars and government buildings.
“We have heard from both sides on this, this bill has attracted a lot of attention,” Mead said at a signing ceremony at the State Capitol. “But as written, I thought it was an appropriate bill for Wyoming, and an appropriate law for Wyoming.”
Similar bills are pending in states including Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Utah. A bill has been introduced in Kentucky but hasn’t advanced while another was introduced for discussion in Idaho. . . .

In Colorado, the state House overwhelmingly passed a similar bill.

The Colorado House has approved and sent to the Senate a bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
The House voted 40-25 to pass the bill Wednesday.
It wouldn't change laws governing who is allowed to carry a concealed weapon, but the people who do meet the legal requirements would no longer need a county permit. . . .

A similar bill is advancing in Utah.

After failing to win approval by the committee last time it was heard, Wimmer’s bill passed on a 7-6 vote and goes to the floor for consideration.

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Wyoming drops permit requirement for concealed carry
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