Why politicians shouldn't be in charge of giving out awards

If one ever needed an example of how politicians can't leave politics out of their decisions, you can look at this.

The then-Prime Minister refused to knight Mr Jobs in 2009 because he turned down an invitation to speak at the Labour Party conference, a former senior Labour MP said.
Mr Jobs was put forward for the honour by the MP for services to technology. Apple is credited with revolutionising the industry in recent years with its iPhone and iPad devices, which have unleashed a boom in mobile internet usage.
The former MP, who left Parliament at the last election, said: “Apple has been the only major global company to create stunning consumer products because it has always taken design as the key component of everything it has produced.
“No other CEO has consistently shown such a commitment.”
Apple was aware of the proposal, he said, and it reached the final stages of approval, but was rejected by Downing Street. . . .

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Why politicians shouldn't be in charge of giving out awards
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