Nutty left wingers

Mother Jones is attacking Michele Bachmann for hiring Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson. Sorenson's sin? That he wants presidential candidates to file evidence of a birth certificate for them to be on the ballot. This gets him classified as a "birther." Possibly they have some other evidence, though they apparently haven't found it useful enough to mention. Let me ask a hypothetical question: Would the nutty "birther" debate even be occurring now if such a law had been in place in 2008? Obviously not. My own guess is that Obama hasn't acted to clear up this whole debate because it is in his interest that these claims continue. Why are Democrats angry about this proposed bill? That is the real puzzle. Democrats claim that Obama is too busy to bother putting out his birth certificate. Be serious. It won't really impose on anybody or make a difference in any race. All serious presidential candidates are American citizens so the law will be irrelevant except for ending this silly "birther" speculation. Places such as Mother Jones simply don't want the speculation to end. Mother Jones has a history of getting facts wrong, but this twisted discussion about Bachmann is pretty amazing.

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Nutty left wingers
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