Let's hope that there is some accurate information that gets into this debate at some point. From the New York Daily News:
Note as a bonus the newspaper is running a poll on "Should private ownership of guns be banned completely?" Those interested can vote.
New York lawmakers called for an outright ban Wednesday on extended gun magazines that hold as many as 30 bullets.
"Obviously, when you look at the magnitude of these magazines, you're not talking about for hunting purposes," said City Councilman Robert Jackson (D-Manhattan), who Wednesday offered a Council resolution backing a federal ban.
The proposal came just hours after the Daily News and state Sen. Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) exposed a glaring loophole in a 1994 state law that was supposed to abolish the large clips. . . .
Note as a bonus the newspaper is running a poll on "Should private ownership of guns be banned completely?" Those interested can vote.
Legislation to limit magazine size advances in New York