Republican Presidential candidates who believe in man-made Global Warming

There are a few Republican candidates who have taken extreme positions on man-made Global Warming. I remember listening to CSPAN and hearing Romney give a talk in Iowa on man-made Global Warming. He was for everything from ethanol to cap-and-trade to stricter mile per gallon rules for cars. It was everything that environmental activities could want.

On the campaign stump, in books, speeches and nationally-televised commercials, aspiring GOP White House candidates such as Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney have warned in recent years about the threats from climate change and pledged to limit greenhouse gases. Some have even committed the ultimate sin, endorsing the controversial cap-and-trade concept that was eventually branded “cap and tax.”
Now, as they prepare for a wide-open primary season, many of the Republicans are searching for ways to explain themselves to a conservative voting base full of hungry tea party activists and climate skeptics who don't take kindly to environmental issues so closely linked with Al Gore.
"They're in an odd place," Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, told POLITICO. "They better have an explanation, an excuse or a mea culpa for why this won't happen again." . . .
"I support a reasonable cap-and-trade system," [Pawlenty] said. "I think it'd be good for the federal government to take that up rather than have states take it up as clusters of regions."
Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, appealed to a New Hampshire audience in October 2007 on moral grounds by saying he backed a cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gases and faulted the Senate for its unsuccessful efforts to pass legislation. . . .
Romney worked for two years as Massachusetts governor to cap greenhouse gases from power plants as part of a regional pact. Although he pulled the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative for economic reasons, Romney continues to express concerns about rising temperatures.
"I believe that climate change is occurring – the reduction in the size of global ice caps is hard to ignore," Romney wrote in his 2010 book “No Apologies: The Case for American Greatness.” "I also believe that human activity is a contributing factor."
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich may have the hardest job explaining himself thanks to a 2008 TV commercial sponsored by Gore's Repower America campaign. Gingrich and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sit on a couch outside the Capitol and declare that while they don't often agree on issues, "we do agree our country must take action to address climate change." . . .
“I also support cap and trade of carbon emissions," Huckabee said during the Global Warming and Energy Solutions Conference in Manchester, N.H., a event which also drew appearances from McCain and . . .

Romney: Ethanol, energy efficiency regulations for cars and homes, subsidies for many "green" types of energy.

At the end for 2007, Pawlenty came out with this statement -- supporting a "80% [reduction in carbon dioxide] by mid-century."

In 2008 Romney was one person who had surrounded himself with advisers who wanted something significant done on man-made Global Warming.

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Republican Presidential candidates who believe in man-made Global Warming
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