Move to end more gun-free zones in Michigan

From the Detroit News:

State Sen. Mike Green is looking to abolish the limitations concerning concealed weapons and allow those with licenses to carry a firearm essentially anywhere in the state. Green, R-Mayville, said he introduced the bills today in order to prove "there are no places that should be gun free."
"The problem is when you have a gun-free zone, you have people able to use their gun knowing there's no one that can stop them," he said. "The issue is, if it's constitutional to carry outside a building, why wouldn't it be constitutional to carry inside the building? We just feel we need some debate on that and it needs to be talked about."
The proposal would eliminate the "no carry zones" — currently defined as schools and school property, day care centers, sports arenas, bars and restaurants where alcohol is the primary revenue source, churches and other places of worship, stadiums with seating for 2,500 or more, hospitals, casinos and college campuses.
Rick Fitzgerald, University of Michigan spokesman, pointed out there is already a board of regents' ordinance on the books prohibiting concealed carry on campus, which encompasses the medical facilities.
"The reality is, at this point this is a very early proposal and we'll just have to wait and see how it develops," Fitzgerald said.
People with concealed pistol licenses are exempt from the no carry zones providing they carry the weapon in full view. . . .

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Move to end more gun-free zones in Michigan
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