Los Angeles to try banning Open Carry of Guns in February

A discussion of the proposal is available here.

ITEM NO. (26)
MOTION (GARCETTI - KORETZ - ET AL.) relative to feasibility and legality of banning the open carry of handguns in the City.

Recommendation for Council action:
REQUEST the City Attorney to report on the feasibility and legality of banning the open carry of handguns in the City.

Presumably, the City Attorney Carmen Trutanich is still negotiating with the City Council. After all, the city did cut his office by 30%, he is going to want something in return for signing off on a blatantly unconstitutional (both State and Federal) ordinance.

Item number twenty-seven was passed unanimously, by members present. It reads as follows:

ITEM NO. (27)
MOTION (KORETZ - GARCETTI) relative to requesting the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and City
Attorney to report to Council to share their legal understandings concerning current federal, state
and local parameters concerning gun issues.
Recommendations for Council action:

1. REQUEST the CLA and City Attorney to report back to Council, within 30 days, to share their
legal understandings concerning current federal, state and local parameters and projected
outcomes concerning gun issues and actual or likely gun and ammunition-related legislation,
and to share any information, insights, advice and ideas deemed to be pertinent and helpful by
the CLA and City Attorney.

2. REQUEST the local community organizations aimed at stemming gun violence, including
Women Against Gun Violence and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, be invited to
attend any such presentation and discussion, and to share their information, insight, advice and

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Los Angeles to try banning Open Carry of Guns in February
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