Liberals somehow think that Pelosi is intelligent. Just look at her statements on Haiti or Krugman's statements on 9/11.
Destroying wealth to create wealth? Sarah Palin wouldn't make such a dumb statement. Palin's comments on the tax deal follow very closely to the points that I have raised in my piece at Fox News.
After the quake, Nancy Pelosi said: “I think that this can be an opportunity for a real boom economy in Haiti.” Likewise, after 9/11, Paul Krugman wrote in the NYT that:The terror attack … could even do some economic good … Now, all of a sudden, we need some new office buildings … rebuilding will generate at least some increase in business spending.
Destroying wealth to create wealth? Sarah Palin wouldn't make such a dumb statement. Palin's comments on the tax deal follow very closely to the points that I have raised in my piece at Fox News.
In a rare interview with ABC's "Good Morning America," former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Friday criticized the $858 billion tax cut bill that passed through Congress early this morning, calling the legislation "a lousy deal" that "creates a temporary economy with even more uncertainty for businesses and it does increase taxes."
"I think it's a lousy deal and we can do better for the American people," Palin told GMA's Robin Roberts, in an interview in her Alaska home.
The "new Congress is seated the first week of January," Palin continued. "It is better to wait until they are seated and get a good deal for the American public than to accept what I think is a lousy deal, because it creates a temporary economy with even more uncertainty for businesses and it does increase taxes."
Palin also said she was "grateful" to President Obama, who brokered the tax deal with Republican leadership, for compromising on his position that tax cuts for America's highest earners should not be extended.
"This is one case where I'm really thankful that the president flip flopped," she said. "I would say that it is a flip flop in his position on taxes because he was so adamant about not allowing the tax cut extension to take place for job creators, and then all of a sudden one day he was fine with it." . . .
Stimulus reasoning gone made