Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has already broken one campaign promise

Barely in office for a couple of weeks and Joe Manchin of West Virginia has already broken one campaign promise and voted for income tax increases for some people.

To Fox in September, Manchin said, "Whatever side you might be on, whether I think you're too rich, or you think someone's too poor, whatever it may be... and you think well you can afford it but you can't, the bottom line is, until you can run the government as efficiently and as effectively, and you start paying attention to the debt that this nation is carrying and you're passing on - until you really get serious about that - I wouldn't (raise taxes)."

But now, a change of heart.

Manchin voted for a proposal by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, that would extended current tax rates, lowered during the Bush era, only for those families making less than $1 million. . . .

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Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has already broken one campaign promise
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