For those following whether Rahm Emanuel is eligible to fun for mayor in Chicago, Emanuel's tax return for 2009 indicates that he isn't eligible.
But there is no reason that these rules should apply to Emanuel. In fact, as just noted above, after all this became an issue Emanuel refiled his returns. I have a hard time believing that any normal court could accept such a change, but rules are probably not rules for Democrats such as Emanuel.
The Chicago Tribune has this about the date of the amended tax return.
When Rahm Emanuel originally filed his 2009 Illinois tax return, he indicated he was only a “part-year resident’’ of the state that year, since he had moved to Washington D.C. to serve as President Obama’s chief of staff.
But after he decided to return to Chicago to run for mayor this fall -- and after several people challenged whether he was eligible to run based on the fact that he hadn’t lived in the city for a full-year prior to the Feb. 2 election -- he filed an amended return, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. . . .
But there is no reason that these rules should apply to Emanuel. In fact, as just noted above, after all this became an issue Emanuel refiled his returns. I have a hard time believing that any normal court could accept such a change, but rules are probably not rules for Democrats such as Emanuel.
The Chicago Tribune has this about the date of the amended tax return.
In his original 2009 Illinois tax return, Emanuel checked the box "part-year resident" and noted he lived in Chicago through June 30, 2009. The amended return is dated Nov. 24 of this year, the same day the first formal objections against Emanuel were filed with city elections officials. . . . .
Rahm Emanuel claimed that he wasn't a full-time resident in Chicago during 2009