Taking advantage of the fact that there are lots of good people and relatively few bad ones

Some owners of a pizza parlor in Peoria, Illinois proved this point recently.

A man attempted to hold up a local restaurant Saturday night but failed after the owners drew their own weapons and chased the suspect away.

Demario Scott, 25, of 1107 W. Wilcox Ave. entered Agatucci's, 2607 N. University St., about 10:15 p.m. with a gun and demanded the owners empty their safe, police said.

Tony, Dan and Jim Aggatucci all pulled out their own guns and Dan yelled at the suspect to freeze, said Dan Aggatucci on Sunday night.

Scott panicked and ran out of the restaurant.

The Aggatuccis chased Scott west on West Gift Avenue and fired several shots, according to police.

Police are investigating whether any of the Aggatuccis fired at the suspect or just into the air.

Scott was arrested near his home in the 1100 block of West Wilcox Avenue . . .

Thanks to Tony Troglio for the link.

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Taking advantage of the fact that there are lots of good people and relatively few bad ones
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