Remember some of the stories about SEIU violence against Tea Party members who opposed Obamacare? But as Forbes points out, the SEIU was one organization that got an exemption for its members.
More recently, additional powerful evidence has emerged that the health care law will be run by and for the benefit of a few elite. It has been learned over the last few days that HHS has given out 111 exemptions to the requirements of the new health care law. Where in the legislation does it allow for such exemptions? Where does the law specify a fair process and consistent criteria for obtaining such an exemption? The answer is, nowhere. A large, influential corporation came to the Administration demanding special treatment, and they got it. After that, the race to DC was on. No one will be surprised to the stalwart Obama supporter SEIU among the select.
The list of beneficiaries is a mix of corporations and labor unions who have somehow wrangled special attention in Washington — in effect allowing just 111 lucky organizations out of 15-20 million US business to be allowed lower cost labor than their peers. Does your restaurant compete with McDonald’s or Ruby Tuesdays? Sorry, but through their political muscle, your competitors have received special exemptions from costly regulation, and you likely will not. . . . .
Remember the SEIU's violence in support of Obamacare? Well, look what union got an exemption from Obamacare regulations