Trust in Government's Ability to Handle Domestic Problems at Lowest Point Ever Recorded

Probably not what Democrats want to hear right before the election.

the percentage trusting Washington to handle domestic problems, now at a record-low 46%.

Trust in the government's handling of domestic matters has generally tracked below public trust on international matters but has mostly followed the same trajectory. In the last several years as the economy has struggled, fewer than half of Americans have trusted the government's handling of domestic problems (with only one exception).

The vast majority of Democrats today have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the federal government on both policy dimensions, no doubt because the Democrats continue to control the White House and both houses of Congress. Accordingly, there has been little change in Democrats' views over the past year. A slight majority of independents express confidence in the government on international problems, while 40% have confidence in the government on domestic problems, also similar to 2009 in each case. By contrast, fewer than 4 in 10 Republicans today are confident in the government on either issue, with a 12 percentage-point drop since 2009 in their confidence on international problems. . . .

Gallup also finds that people's views of the two parties is very similar to what they were in 1994.

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Trust in Government's Ability to Handle Domestic Problems at Lowest Point Ever Recorded
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