The Democrat Senate candidate for Missouri, Robin Carnahan, claims that she supports the Second Amendment, but she neither disowns nor mentions her past positions on the gun issue.
Thanks to Anthony Troglio for this link.
Democrat Robin Carnahan's official campaign bio catalogs her feats in flying (she's an instrument-rated pilot), endurance (five marathons) and farming (she runs the family cattle ranch).
Nowhere in the U.S. Senate hopeful's list of achievements are voters told about her efforts leading a group of underfunded advocates that took on — and defeated — one of Washington's most powerful special interests.
In a year when even veteran office-seekers such as Carnahan are running against the political establishment, such a David-versus-Goliath tale would make prime grist for an outsider's campaign narrative. . . .
Eleven years ago, Carnahan led the successful opposition to a statewide ballot issue backed by the NRA that would have changed Missouri law that, at the time, prohibited carrying concealed firearms. The victory was pivotal to Carnahan's political development, yet also short-lived: Four years later, the Legislature overturned the results of the vote.
Now, it seems, Carnahan would prefer to forget about her role in the fight altogether. She doesn't talk about it on the stump, cite it in campaign literature or mention it on her website. Her Republican rival has accused her of obscuring her stance on the Second Amendment. . . .
Thanks to Anthony Troglio for this link.
Some Democrats try to hide their past record on gun control