So will the general media cover that the person who attacked the Discovery Channel with bombs and gun was inspired by Al Gore?

This connection with Al Gore is getting some news coverage, but not a lot.

James Jay Lee wasn't a stranger to the Discovery Channel employees he terrorized Wednesday with a gun and with what appeared to be makeshift bombs strapped to his chest and back.

Lee, a 43-year-old California man with a seemingly religious fervor for his environmental causes, had a history of targeting the channel for its programming, most notably in a 2008 protest in front of the channel's Silver Spring, Md., headquarters, where 1,900 employees work. On that day, the protest included tossing wads of cash in the air, and it ended in his arrest. . . .

Lee said he started his crusade after being laid off from a job in San Diego. He also appears to have been inspired by books by the environmental novelist Daniel Quinn, notably Quinn's "Ishmael." He singled out pages of that novel in his manifesto, saying that Discovery should create programming based on its message. He said he also was inspired by Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." . . .

Here is a Google news search that I did at 10:45 PM today.

The incident as a whole has gotten a lot more coverage.

It will be interesting to see if this imbalance is corrected over time.

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So will the general media cover that the person who attacked the Discovery Channel with bombs and gun was inspired by Al Gore?
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