Coverage of Talks in Texas

The horrible attack on Tuesday did generate a lot of news coverage of my talks in Texas. The fact that the talk had to be moved off campus only seemed to increase interest.

From KVUE news:

Tuesday morning’s shooting on the University of Texas campus has already re-ignited the debate about gun control laws and gun rights. Specifically whether U-T students should be allowed to carry concealed handguns on campus.
Ironically student groups had organized an event in favor of carrying guns on campus for Tuesday night; however, following the shots that were fired it was moved off campus.

Nearly 100 gun rights advocates showed up at Brave New Books in West Campus to hear author John Lott's argument for guns on campus.

“The amazing thing is how few times the permit holder has to fire the gun,” said Lott. “Most of the times these permit holders stop these crimes by having the guns and pointing at the attacker.” . . .

From the Christian Science Monitor, though the student who paraphrased misstated the claim that I was making.

Mike Ward from the Austin American Statesman has this take here.

Over at the American Thinker there is this piece by David Paulin, who has a relatively long discussion of what I said.

Here is something from the UT Daily Texan, though I don't think that they got my quote.

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Coverage of Talks in Texas
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