Americans are upset that Obama is giving money to Wall Street and bailing out unions, how will they react to Obama bailing out an Afghan bank?

Bailing out Afghan banks? Why can't the Afghan government do this?

The planned injection of cash into the beleaguered Kabul Bank is meant to slow the run on the bank by its customers, who have withdrawn more than $200 million in the past few days amid fears of a wider economic collapse.

But on Saturday, thousands of nervous Afghan depositors, unaware of the bailout and unconvinced of the bank’s solvency, stormed the bank’s central branch in Kabul to withdraw their savings.

Hundreds of men pushed and shoved their way to the front, while others waited behind them for hours in the saunalike atmosphere of the lobby, making it impossible to discern where the lines ended and began. Furious customers shouted angry complaints. An elderly woman in a black dress cried out in distress.

But the teller drawers were largely empty and most customers left empty-handed. “What should I give you when I have nothing to give?” a teller told one agitated customer. . . .

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Americans are upset that Obama is giving money to Wall Street and bailing out unions, how will they react to Obama bailing out an Afghan bank?
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