69% of Canadians think that the long gun registry has had little or no beneficial effect on crime

Angus Reid Public Opinion has a new survey:

More than a third of Canadians (38%, -5 since August) believe the registry has been unsuccessful in preventing crime in Canada, while three-in-ten (31%, +2) think it has had no effect on crime. Only 16 per cent of respondents (+3) believe the Canadian Firearms Registry has been successful.

Almost half of Canadians (46%, +2) call for the long gun registry to be scrapped—including large majorities in the Prairies (65%) and Alberta (69%). Two-in-five respondents (40%, +5) are opposed to this course of action, including 59 per cent of Quebecers. . . .

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69% of Canadians think that the long gun registry has had little or no beneficial effect on crime
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