Republican National Committee has just over $5 million in the bank and $2 million in debt

The most troubling thing about these new numbers is that the party spent $11 million in July and only brought in $5.5 million. At that rate, they can make it a month. Clearly the RNC will very quickly have to get in flow and out flows in balance.

The troubled Republican National Committee has just over $5 million in the bank for the final stretch of the 2010 mid-term election campaign, according to an unannounced filing with the FEC disclosed Friday night.

The report also indicates that the national party headed by embattled chairman Michael Steele is carrying just over $2 million in debt.

There was no press release from the RNC attempting to put a positive spin on the grim numbers. Rather, officials from the Democratic National Committee flagged the RNC's report, which was posted on the Federal Election Commission’s website Friday night.

It indicated that the committee brought in slightly more than $5.5 million in July — less than half of what the DNC raised — while spending $11 million. . . .

The one piece of good news is that Haley Barber, who heads the Republican Governor Association, " about $40 million to spend on the fall elections, significantly more than its Democratic counterpart."

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Republican National Committee has just over $5 million in the bank and $2 million in debt
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