New York Times blames alcohol for article mistakes

Well, at least the NY Times as a believable reason this time for the mistake.

But it's especially painful when the slip-ups involve the highly read and heavily scrutinized White House pool reports.

The New York Times's Helene Cooper had her goof Wednesday night when she misidentified Sen. Bill Nelson in a report from President Obama's Miami fundraiser, calling him Sen. Ben Nelson. She also said that POTUS was the one with the wrong name, not her.

She quickly corrected the goof in an e-mail featuring the subject, "Ack! Pool correx."

"Turns out potus was right and pool was wrong," wrote Cooper. "Its bill nelson not ben. Blame the mojitos. Please disregard all refs to ben."

A little drinking on the job? An earlier pool report from Cooper on Wednesday evening declared, "your pool is awaiting their mojitos at the Fountainebleu" (aka Fontainebleau).

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New York Times blames alcohol for article mistakes
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