Kentucky Homeowner Shoots Would-be Thief This is an amusing story. It provides the defenses raised by the family of the theft and then in an understated way shoots them down. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Polk Co., Florida, homeowner shoots, kills suspect who barged into homeFrom WDBO radio in Central Florida:Deputies say a Polk County homeowner shot and killed a suspect who barged into his hCitizens in Detroit are turning to themselves to make sure that they are safeFrom the homicide in the city shot up 79 percent in 2011 from the previous year, as citizens in tCharges "rare" against those who shoot intrudersAt least in Virginia, the castle doctrine is the de facto standard. What is the law differs from what juries are goingA couple recent defensive gun usesMay 29, 2012, Winter Haven, Florida: "Man who killed intruder told dispatcher the man charged twice"May 17, 2012, St. LVictim turns tables on two gun toting robbersThe victim, who was obviously a concealed carry permit holder, wounded one of the two men who attacked him. From Mobil"Intruder calls 911, afraid homeowner may have gun"So who says that criminals aren't afraid of armed citizens? Here is this CNN story from Portland, Oregon.This time it Kentucky Homeowner Shoots Would-be Thief 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar