Is Obama administration moving towards a ban on leaded ammunition?

Some information on this proposed ban and its impact is available here.

Some other information on a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study from 2008 is available here. Only a small percentage (5.94 percent) of venison shot with lead ammunition was found to have lead in the meat.

The 0.3 +-g/dl (micrograms per deciliter) difference is small but not "insignificant." There was a statistically significant difference in blood lead level between game-consumers and non game-consumers at P<0.0001 level (statistically highly significant). Granted, the mean difference of 0.3 +-g/dl more lead in the blood of game-consumers than non game-consumers is not large by contemporary levels (although it is orders of magnitude higher than the 0.016 􏰂g/dl baseline that the report recommends be the reference point). But, the conclusion from the study is simple: People who eat game are exposed to more lead than people who don􏰄t eat game. That's all. The study design could not determine whether that exposure was biologically important because blood lead elevation is short-lived.

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Is Obama administration moving towards a ban on leaded ammunition?
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