Your tax dollars being used to create support for Obama care

Rasmussen on July 26 finds: "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 58% of voters favor repeal, including 48% who Strongly Favor it. Thirty-seven percent (37%) are opposed to repeal, with 28% who are Strongly Opposed."

So what does the Obama administration do? Use taxpayer dollars to pay for ads to increase support for Obamacare. This is not the first of the taxpayer paid ads pushing Obamacare.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Actor Andy Griffith has a new role: pitching President Barack Obama's health care law to seniors in a cable television ad paid for by Medicare.
The TV star - whose role as sheriff of Mayberry made him an enduring symbol of small-town American values - tells seniors that "good things are coming" under the health care overhaul, including free preventive checkups and lower-cost prescriptions for Medicare recipients.
Polls show that seniors are more skeptical of the health care law than younger people because Medicare cuts provide much of the financing to expand coverage for the uninsured.
Medicare says the national ad is not political, but part of its outreach to educate seniors about new benefits available next year. Griffith is 84.

Part of the text of the ad: "with the new healthcare law, more good things are coming: free check-ups, lower prescription costs, and better ways to protect us and Medicare from fraud. See what else is new. I think you're going to like it." How much is being spent? "He is the spokesperson for Medicare’s $700,000 ad campaign."

Another Medicare ad (60 –Second Radio Script Affordable Care Act Fraud Prevention):

The new Affordable Care Act contains some important benefits for Medicare beneficiaries. . . .

Isn't it enough that Democrats already have a big money advantage in the races this year?

Heading into the fall campaign season, most would agree that Republicans have momentum on their side. They are benefiting from economic and deficit anxiety, as well as diminished approval ratings for President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress. Most importantly, their party’s base seems highly motivated to show up at the polls in November.

But to a surprising extent, Democrats enter the campaign season with a distinct money advantage in the battle for the House. The most vulnerable House Democrats—freshman and sophomore members elected from swing districts—have compiled campaign war chests far bigger than those their Republican opponents bring to the races. Those Democrats, as a result, will have ample resources to spread their message and reach out to their base. The question will be whether the money advantage is enough to offset the momentum advantage. . . .

There are 19 House Democrats running for re-election who first won in 2006 or 2008 in districts that Republican contender John McCain carried in the last presidential race. . . .

An examination of Federal Election Commission records shows that, as of June 30, these 19 especially vulnerable House Democrats had a combined $23.2 million in campaign cash on hand, compared with just $7 million for their leading Republican opponents. That’s a cash advantage of more than three to one heading into the thick of the campaign season.

If you want a list of other races, see here:

• In Nevada, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has rebounded in the polls while reporting a $7.1 million cash-on-hand advantage ($8.9 million versus $1.8 million) over former GOP state legislator Sharron Angle. . . .

• Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat, reported $11.3 million to spend in her FEC filing, compared with $950,000 for Republican Carly Fiorina, who was just emerging from an expensive primary battle. . . .

• In Wisconsin, Sen. Russ Feingold finds himself in an unexpectedly tough re-election fight despite a $4.3 million to $940,000 cash-on-hand advantage over Republican Ron Johnson, a relatively unknown businessman from Oshkosh making his first bid for public office. . . .

• The dynamic also is playing out in House races, such as Virginia's 5th District. Freshman Rep. Tom Perriello, a Democrat, on June 30 reported $1.7 million in the bank, compared with $216,000 for state Sen. Robert Hurt, the Republican nominee. . . .

The Democratic Senate and House campaign committees have a combined $55.4 million to spend on the fall races, while the Republican congressional campaign organs report $36 million. . . .

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Your tax dollars being used to create support for Obama care
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