Presentation tomorrow at the Heritage Foundation

I will be giving a presentation tomorrow at 12:30 at the Heritage Foundation on McDonald v. Chicago and its aftermath. This is from the announcement for the event.

Just days ago, the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling in McDonald v. Chicago, holding that individual citizens have constitutional gun rights – not just against the federal government – but also against local governments, and striking down Chicago’s almost complete ban on handguns in the home. Several big city mayors are squawking that the sky will fall and violence will reign supreme. What are the legal and practical consequences of this decision?
In its decisions this year and in 2008, the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects individual gun rights of all Americans, but how broad are those rights? Even if most gun bans are unconstitutional, some regulations are permissible. Which ones? Just as important, what are the practical implications of more law-abiding citizens keeping guns? In McDonald, the High Court noted that gun murders increased after Chicago banned guns. Do more guns mean less crime, as John Lott argues in the third edition of his influential book? The Supreme Court has just begun to grapple with the meaning of the Second Amendment, but our panelists will have many more answers regarding both the legal and practical ramifications of the Court’s decision.

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Presentation tomorrow at the Heritage Foundation
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