It has been 64 days since President Obama's last press conference. During the last year he has had one press conference. Yet, he did have time to be "grilled" by the tough questions that he got on "The View."
On Thursday, for the first time in 308 days, President Obama will confront the White House press corps in a full-blown news conference, taking the best shots that reporters have to offer on the topics of their choosing.
Obama's lengthy absence from reporters' crosshairs has exceeded President George W. Bush's longest gap of 204 days.
As a candidate two years ago, Obama, then a senator, mused aloud about holding a news conference every month. . . .
Obama, however, has stood for fewer news conferences in which reporters were free to ask him questions on the topic of their choosing. . . .
Obama has time to answer questions on The View but can't find time for a regular press conference