For those who have read the third edition of More Guns, Less Crime

For those who have read the third edition of More Guns, Less Crime, I would appreciate it if you would consider putting up reviews of the book at or Barnes and

A note to those who missed when I announced the release of the book, but the third edition of More Guns, Less Crime was released at the end of May. It has about 200 pages of new material over what was in the 2nd edition (2000) and about 300 pages of new material over what was in the first edition (1998). A lot has happened during the last 10 years (for example, the sunsetting of the assault weapons ban, gun bans in DC and Chicago being struck down, etc.), and I hope that people find this new work interesting and helpful.

Thank you very much.

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For those who have read the third edition of More Guns, Less Crime
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