Ban on loaded guns in national parks ends on Monday

I don't think that this article is right about the 94-year-ban, but the point of the article is right (I believe that it occurred during the Reagan administration).

WASHINGTON - A new law will lift the 94-year-old ban on carrying loaded firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges when it goes into effect Monday.

The law, passed by Congress in May as an amendment to a credit-reform bill, will end the ability of the National Park Service to set its own gun-carry restrictions, making each park subject to the gun laws of its home state.

While the law will not give park visitors blanket permission to possess firearms, it will allow visitors to carry guns into any park, provided they follow all federal, state and local laws.

Current regulations allow park goers to possess firearms, but they must be unassembled, unloaded and stored away from ammunition. Starting Monday, specific rules will vary by location.

The new law does not give visitors permission or fire their weapons -- only to possess them.

David Barna, chief spokesman for the NPS, said firearms will still be prohibited in federal buildings such as ranger stations and visitor centers. Firearms will be permitted in facilities not directly owned and operated by the NPS, including many campgrounds and hotels.

"We will take the 'firearms prohibited' signs off at the front gate," Barna said. "A lot of the burden is on the public to know the laws of your state." . . .

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Ban on loaded guns in national parks ends on Monday
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