40 percent of Canadians will to pay for speedier health care, or travel abroad to get it

Apparently coming to the US for health care is good enough for Canadian politicians.

Two-in-five Canadians would consider paying or going abroad to seek medical treatment, according to a poll by Angus Reid Public Opinion. 40 per cent of respondents would be willing to pay out of their own pocket to have quicker access to medical services that currently have long wait times, and 42 per cent would consider traveling to another country.

In Canada, the universality criterion establishes that all residents of a province or territory must be entitled to the insured, public-run health services provided by their provincial or territorial health care insurance plan on uniform terms and conditions.

Earlier this month, it was announced that Newfoundland and Labrador premier Danny Williams traveled to the United States to seek treatment for an undisclosed heart condition. . . .

Note that only 30 percent said that would not be willing to pay out of their own pocket for quicker access and only 33 percent said that they would not be willing to travel abroad.

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40 percent of Canadians will to pay for speedier health care, or travel abroad to get it
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