The number unemployed has been rising more slowly.

But one must understand that unemployment is measured in terms of people who are still looking for work. The number unemployed has slowed because so many people are leaving the labor force. Just as the number of people unemployed has slowed, the number not even looking has increased.

It is amazing to see how the sum of the number Unemployment + Not in Labor Force just goes marching up in a straight line. Does this look like things are improving at all?

But one must understand that unemployment is measured in terms of people who are still looking for work. The number unemployed has slowed because so many people are leaving the labor force. Just as the number of people unemployed has slowed, the number not even looking has increased.

It is amazing to see how the sum of the number Unemployment + Not in Labor Force just goes marching up in a straight line. Does this look like things are improving at all?

"The Shifting Job Market"