"Proof: More guns = less crime"

Back in 2007, DC Mayor Fenty warned: "Fenty said the District had no choice but to fight because more guns in homes could lead to increases in violent crime and deadly accidents."

Joseph Farah has a new op-ed that starts this way:

There it was. Good news on New Year's Day on the front page of the Washington Post.

"Homicide totals in 2009 plummet in District, Prince George's," the headline read.

In a story that likely got lost amid the holiday revelry, the paper reported that the nation's capital in 2009 experienced its lowest number of homicides in 45 years. In case you can't do the math real quick, that previous year would be 1964.

And for those too young to remember, 1964 was pretty much the end of an era. It was before the riots, before the Vietnam War was seriously escalated to become a national dividing point, before the drug explosion.

So what happened in Washington, D.C., in 2009 that might account for such a dramatic decline in homicide deaths?

Hmmmmm. Let me see. Nothing comes to mind.

Oh, wait a minute! Wasn't 2009 the first full year following the overturning of Washington's gun ban by the Supreme Court in the Heller case?

Could that have something to do with it? . . .

Here is the link to the Washington Post piece. There were 186 murders in 2008, and 140 in 2009 -- a 25 percent drop.

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"Proof: More guns = less crime"
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