Massachusetts Senate Race: Last Public Policy Polling Poll has Brown up by 5 Percentage Points over Coakley

Public Policy Polling is a Democratic polling organization. In any case, the drift towards Scott Brown continues. Given Brown's huge lead among voters who are most excited about this election, this race could be a real blowout. If Democrats are convinced that Coakley will lose and don't show up to vote, it could be a lot closer to a 10 point win than the 5 points it now shows.

Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 51-46 in Public Policy Polling’s final survey of the Massachusetts Senate special election, an advantage within the poll’s margin of error.
Brown’s lead comes thanks to an overwhelming advantage with independents and the ability to pick off a decent number of Democrats. He’s getting the support of 19% of voters in Coakley’s party, while she is winning just 8% of the Republican vote. The lead with independents is 64-32.
Each candidate has seen a large decline in their favorability numbers as the campaign has taken on an increasingly negative tone. Brown’s +19 at 56/37, down 13 points from his +32 (57/25) standing a week ago. Coakley’s now in negative territory at 44/51 after being at a positive 50/42 previously, a 15 point net decline.
SRepublicans continue to show much more enthusiasm about the election than Democrats, with 89% of them saying they’re ‘very excited’ to go vote compared to 63% of Dems who express that sentiment. Brown has a 59-40 lead among voters in that category. . . .

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Massachusetts Senate Race: Last Public Policy Polling Poll has Brown up by 5 Percentage Points over Coakley
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