"It’s Google’s autistic approach to relationships"

I guess that I thought that Google's decision to offer its own phone would wreck also sorts of problems with other phone makers that were using Android. Besides having no regards for other's property rights as has been noted previously, this piece discussions how Google relentless lobbies government to get special favors to help it compete against other companies.

Even before Google started competing with it head on this week, the mobile industry was already wary of the Mountain View Chocolate Factory, and its inclination to hoover up every morsel of service revenue. Now complaining about that may be a bit hypocritical, you might think, if you look at how much of a transaction operators such as Docomo have traditionally retained, and how much they want to keep now. But look at the alternative, Google told the networks and device makers. That Mr Jobs doesn’t leave anything on the table. And besides, we Do No Evil. . . .

Google has lobbied for this for years now; it's also why Google has its own private internet. Googlenet already carries 10 per cent of the net’s traffic internally, and this is a testbed for replacements for the open protocols we use today such as http and dns. And it sure as hell isn’t neutral. Google has no obligation to open this to anybody else. The huge data centres are simply the physical manifestation of the private internet – like the vast cooling towers at each end of the Holland or Rotherhithe Tunnels. . . .

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"It’s Google’s autistic approach to relationships"
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