Climate Gate Scandal Debated

I really wish that they had a scientist debating the scientist from the University of East Anglia. My answers to the questions poised on this show are shown below.

Here are my answers to the questions raised in this series:

Was any data manipulated or suppressed?

On the issue of suppression
Think 'Climate-Gate' Is Nonevent? Think Again
Climate Change E-Mails Cry Out for a National Conversation
On the issue of manipulation, see the links below.

Why has the UEA refused to open up all data to scrutiny?
What about the two other datasets that reach the same conclusions with independent observations?

Why won't global warming advocates release their data?
What Are Global Warming Supporters Trying to Hide?
Other questions -- The British MET, the third most relied on data in the IPCC report
Climate Gate Scandal spreads to New Zealand

What about the physical evidence of global warming?

This list is too long, but the first one here is the most important.
"Antarctic Ice Growing, Not Shrinking." -- Antarctica has 90 percent of the Earth's ice and 80 percent of its fresh water
"the extent of arctic sea ice has been increasing for the last two years."
See also the New Zealand discussion above.

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Climate Gate Scandal Debated
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