Another shooting at a gun free zone Notice sign in picture from today's the Shreveport Times. The question as always is: who is more likely to obey such bans?Thanks to Gus Cotey for the link. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Concealed carry on campuses passes the Texas SenateGiven that there are twelve Democrats in the State Senate, two of them must have voted for the concealed carry on campuConcealed Carry on Campus bill Advances in NevadaFrom the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL:The Senate Government Affairs Committee voted 4-1 in favor of Senate Bill 231, which Crime down after Supreme Court overturns city gun bansWatch the latest video at video.foxnews.comWhat about the claim that accidental gun injuries are rising? Despite the cSome Wisconsin Cities act to ban people carrying permitted concealed handguns in government buildingsIt doesn't sound as if it is a stampede of cities doing this, and I assume after a few years people will realize that pMassachusetts college considers banning permitted concealed handguns on campusUp until now the carrying of permitted concealed handguns has been allowed and there hasn't been a problem. Quincy CollWashington State Supreme Court strikes down Seattle gun ban for parksIt took four years to get this problem fixed. From Washington State Supreme Court put an end Thursday Another shooting at a gun free zone 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar