Another shooting at a gun free zone Notice sign in picture from today's the Shreveport Times. The question as always is: who is more likely to obey such bans?Thanks to Gus Cotey for the link. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts No guns policy at Cinemark Theaters?The movie theatre was not a statutory gun-free zone. The exception for secure “public” buildings applies to buildings More on Starbucks "buycott" and "boycott"The LA Times has an interesting story on the different sides of the Starbucks and guns debate.This gun-free zone sign will really work for MexicoFrom CBS Houston:President Felipe Calderon on Thursday unveiled a “No More Weapons!” billboard made with crushed firearSome Wisconsin Cities act to ban people carrying permitted concealed handguns in government buildingsIt doesn't sound as if it is a stampede of cities doing this, and I assume after a few years people will realize that pMichigan moves to get rid of gun-free zones for concealed carryConcealed carry permit holders are currently allowed to openly carry their guns in "gun-free zones," so these gun-free Student at Purdue pushes to end gun-free zone at his schoolFrom the Purdue student paper:A student government senator from Krannert will propose legislation for concealed carryin Another shooting at a gun free zone 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar