Obama Denies Flyover of 'GOD & Country Rally'—1st Time In 42Yrs Because of Its 'Christian Nature' Democratic presidents Johnson, Carter, and Clinton allowed this to occur. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts New Fox News piece: Rationing Revealed at the Heart of ObamacareMy newest piece at Fox News starts this way: If you like police officers having quotas for speeding tickets, you will lShould taxpayer dollars be used to send political messages?: The Obama administration sure seems to think that is the caseWhy should some taxpayers be forced to support the political beliefs of others? Maine Gov. Paul LePage didn't think thAn amusing campaign ad about Obama's policiesHow do Europeans view the New Black Panther Voter Intimidation case?An Italian judge looks at the issue here.Guess how many airplanes it will take for Obama to travel to IndiaThis really seems absurd. Suppose that one is talking about Air Force One, several other large aircraft, and a small sIs Obama acting constitutionally with his changes in the "No Child Left Behind" Act?An interesting letter to the president from Senator Marco Rubio is available here. Obama Denies Flyover of 'GOD & Country Rally'—1st Time In 42Yrs Because of Its 'Christian Nature' 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar