Banning Flavored Cigarettes

The Obama administration is moving quickly to limit people's ability to make choices.

Federal health officials Tuesday banned the sale of flavored cigarettes and hinted that they may soon take action against the far-larger market of flavored little cigars and cigarillos, the first major crackdown on cigarettes since the Food and Drug Administration was given authority to regulate tobacco.

The ban is intended to end the sale of tobacco products with chocolate, vanilla, clove and other flavorings that lure children and teenagers into smoking. Menthol products are as yet unaffected.

The ban comes three months after President Obama signed legislation giving the F.D.A. the authority for the first time to regulate tobacco products. . . . .

Why ban every other flavored cigarette but the ones with menthol? With all the health arguments put out for the ban, why not menthol? Could it be for the same reason that the rest of the bill is seen as favoring Philip Morris?

Tobacco companies can no longer sell candy-, spice-, or fruit-flavored cigarettes in the United States, regulators said, acting to enforce a ban signed into law in June by President Obama. . . .

Philip Morris USA, the maker of the top-selling Marlboro brand, sells no cigarettes covered by the ban, said David Sylvia, an Altria spokesman. Nor does third-biggest Lorillard Inc., said Hannah Sloane, a company spokeswoman.

North Carolina makers Reynolds, of Winston Salem, and Lorillard, of Greensboro, opposed FDA regulation, saying restrictions would perpetuate Philip Morris' dominance and discourage novel products that may be less harmful.

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Banning Flavored Cigarettes
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