Liberals are boycotting Whole Foods for its stand against the government health care takeover

Mackey's op-ed seemed quite sensible to me, and I am more likely than ever to go out of my way to buy food there.

In a Wall Street Journal editorial titled, "The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare," John Mackey, the founder and C.E.O. of Whole Foods—one of the world's biggest retailers of "natural" and organic foods—stirred up furor among his left-leaning customer base by denouncing Obama's health care plan as likely to "move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system." In the editorial he gives eight reform strategies—one based on his own policies at Whole Foods—for an alternative system with "less government control and more individual empowerment," and suggests that we use reform to get to the real roots of the health care crisis: obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

And while these concepts alone may not seem enough to incite a riot (though starting off with this Margaret Thatcher quote wasn't likely to endear him to many of his liberal customers—"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money") according to the hundreds of angry comments already being posted in response to the Op-Ed, it appears to be this sentiment that spurred on boycotters. . . .

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Liberals are boycotting Whole Foods for its stand against the government health care takeover
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