Mort Kondracke has some amazing quotes from Obama on insurance.
See also:
No profit motive: Removing incentives in government-run health care
If Dems want competition so much, why not support vouchers for education?
ARP event, he [Obama] said, "So, the idea behind reform is, No. 1, we reform the insurance industries so they can't take advantage of you."
At Children's Hospital last week, he said, "Health care professionals are doing heroic work every day. ... But they're being forced to fight through a system that works better for the drug companies and insurance companies than for the American people."
He also said, "Even as America's families have been battered by spiraling health care costs, health insurance companies and their executives have reaped windfall profits from a broken system."
And, he added, "Those opposed to reform are doing nothing but working for insurance companies and insurance executives."
He told the American Medical Association in June, "We need to end the practice of denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing conditions. The days of cherry-picking who to cover and who to deny, those days are over.
"I know you see it in your practices, and how incredibly painful and frustrating it is - you want to give somebody care and you find out that the insurance companies are wiggling out of paying."
See also:
No profit motive: Removing incentives in government-run health care
If Dems want competition so much, why not support vouchers for education?
Obama on the "evil" insurance companies