Associated Press gets story wrong on concealed handgun permits.

Sandy Kozel with the Associated Press claims in the above piece: "Some states require fingerprinting, gun training, and a federal background check in order to get a concealed weapon permit. Other states give out permits to almost any gun owner." Clearly this implies that in some states people can get a concealed handgun permit without having to undergo a background check and that is clearly false. She also implies that permit holders are not currently allowed to carry permitted concealed handguns into other states -- this is also obviously false. Most states already recognize permits from other states: 34 states recognize Missouri's permits, 33 for Utah, 32 for Florida, 31 Texas, 26 Ohio, and 24 Pennsylvania. All the states issuing permits have at least some other states recognizing them. There are also other problems with Sandy Kozel's piece.

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Associated Press gets story wrong on concealed handgun permits.
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