From Sotomayor's letter saying that she has resigned from the Belizean Grove organization:
Here is a previous editorial in the Washington Times on the Supreme Court case entitled Ricci v. DeStefano, which Sotomayor authored the Circuit court decision. Read that then read this earlier editorial in the Washington Times on the Belizean Grove. It certainly seems that Sotomayor has different standards on discrimination.
"I believe the Belizean Grove does not practice invidious discrimination and my membership did not violate the Judicial Code of Ethics, but I do not want questions about this to distract anyone from my qualifications and record," Judge Sotomayor wrote in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, and ranking Republican, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.
Here is a previous editorial in the Washington Times on the Supreme Court case entitled Ricci v. DeStefano, which Sotomayor authored the Circuit court decision. Read that then read this earlier editorial in the Washington Times on the Belizean Grove. It certainly seems that Sotomayor has different standards on discrimination.
Sotomayor's selective view on discrimination