Battle between the Chamber of Commerce and the EPA over Carbon Dioxide Rules

Everything is being rush through everywhere. Given how extensive the new EPA rules are, what is the problem with a 30 day extension for review of these new rules. What is the problem with giving people one more month for studying these complicated rules? From Politico:

Once finalized, the decision would require the EPA to force power plants, auto companies, manufacturers and other major industrial sources of greenhouse gas to cut their emissions under the Clean Air Act.

But the Chamber says that the finding was based on cherry-picked data and manipulated by agency officials.

“We are not denying that CO2 [emissions] are rising, ... [but] the EPA has to make the link between CO2 and health and welfare, and they haven’t made the link,” said William Kovacs, the Chamber’s senior vice president of environmental, technology and regulatory affairs. “There is no evidence that CO2 has an impact on health and welfare.” . . . .

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Battle between the Chamber of Commerce and the EPA over Carbon Dioxide Rules
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