With the New Haven fire fighters case just being so narrowly decided, Judge Sotomayor's views on race will become even more of an issue in her confirmation hearings. Her work at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund could provide some explosive materials. Roll Call has this:
“Just a day or so ago, we discovered that there are 300 or so boxes of additional material that has just been discovered from her time working with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund,” McConnell said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”
“The committee needs to have access to that material and time to work through it so we know all the facts before we vote on a person who is up for a lifetime job,” McConnell said.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to take up the nomination on July 13. Republicans have complained bitterly about the timetable for considering the nomination. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is aiming for a floor vote before the Senate breaks in August. . . . .
300 boxes of new Sotomayor material discovered, Republicans ask for time to look at it