Pharmacist defends himself with a gun, has no regrets

News OK has this story:

Man has no regrets defending Oklahoma City pharmacy
Buzz up!
Published: May 22, 2009
Modified: May 23, 2009 at 11:15 am

Jerome Ersland was back at work Thursday filling prescriptions and hoping that by taking the life of a 16-year-old boy two days earlier, he had saved others.

Rubbing an oversized bandage on his left forearm, where he said he was grazed by a robber’s bullet, Ersland related details of what he said was a highly organized hit on the Reliable Discount Pharmacy.

"I just regret anybody would get killed,” Ersland said. "But if I wouldn’t have been here, there would have been three people killed — the other pharmacist and the two techs.”

He also recalls the angry voices of people who gathered outside the pharmacy Tuesday night, shouting that he was a racist who unnecessarily took a life of the Seeworth Academy charter school student, Antwun Parker.

"There were a lot of black people gathered out there yelling and everything at my boss,” Ersland said. . . . .

Thanks to Lawrence Herndon, CM Ross, and others for sending me this link.

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Pharmacist defends himself with a gun, has no regrets
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