"Why would you need a gun on a University (or school) campus?"

An anonymous person at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville sent me this. Obviously, the criminals in this case decided not to obey the gun free zone.

April 22, 2009
To: Knoxville-area UT Students, Faculty and Staff
From: UT Police
Subject: Armed Robbery at Reese Hall

At approximately 6:45 p.m., today, April 22, three men, one of whom was armed with a handgun, entered Reese Hall on the UT campus. They proceeded to the 6th floor, where they robbed a resident in his room at gunpoint.

The suspects fled the area of Reese Hall. All three were seen heading toward Cumberland Avenue. The student contacted UTPD within minutes. Two of the three suspects were apprehended by UTPD officers on Cumberland Avenue near Walgreens, also within minutes. One of the suspects was identifed as the same person with the firearm in Reese Hall.

At this time, the gun has not been recovered. UTPD and Knoxville Police continue to search for the third suspect.

Additional officers are now stationed in the west area of campus. UTPD advises everyone to exercise caution and report any suspicious activity immediately. . . . .

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"Why would you need a gun on a University (or school) campus?"
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