The Bozeman Daily Chronicle has this:
• Allows anyone who feels physically threatened to use deadly force, rather than flee or call the police, providing that the person is where he is legally.
• Allows most people to openly carry a firearm and brandish it if they are threatened with bodily harm. This section of the bill states specifically that it does not affect the ability of the Board of Regents to regulate weapons on Montana campuses.
• Allows people to shoot home intruders if they “reasonably” believe it is necessary to prevent being harmed, or to prevent a felony from being committed.
• Prohibits law enforcement from destroying firearms.
• Prohibits landlords and hotels from preventing their tenants or guests from having a gun.
• Stipulates that if a person claims self defense in a criminal trial, the state has the burden to prove otherwise. . . . .
New Montana gun bill likely to be signed into law